Monday, January 31, 2022

2021: What Happened? 2022: The Explanations Of Guuzaka

    Guuzaka                                                                                                          2022-01-31

2021: What Happened? 2022: The Explanations Of Guuzaka

👉🏾This blog post may contain affiliate links. When you click and purchase something from within these links, I may earn a small percentage of that sale. 💲 This is done at no extra expense to you. Guuzaka is not an official salesmen of these vendors. Therefore, any potential product problems and other technicalities must be dealt with through official staff of the online shop. 

That Silent Year

'WHOA! You remembered that you have a blog?!" 😱 Yes, I remember. 😅 In fact, I never forgot about it throughout 2021. ✏ That said, I also never did any blog posts during 2021. 😶 No, not even 1. 🦗 And for that reason, that's why I call it "Silent Year" in terms of blogging. 2021 itself was by no means a silent year in the world! 🔊 There were certainly lots of things happening. 🗺 But we are not here to discuss what John was doing in Jamaica, or why Mary went to Nigeria. 🌴 You are here for a long-awaited update on what happened to this place in 2021, and why 2022 ends up being the year the dormancy ends. 👀

Focus On Videos
Sometime ago, not sure which post I mentioned this, I announced that I would not be doing blog posts that accompanied the videos uploaded. 🚫 This was because I wanted to focus on videos without having blog posts to slow down production output. 🐌 After all, Guuzaka was born in YouTube. 🌱 Not Blogger. 🚫✍🏾 As video batches have gotten larger, more time would be required to edit and upload them to social media. 📶 Having to do a blog post that details the specifics for all the videos of a batch was not only laborious, but honestly unnecessary 99% time. 😶 Whatever specifics people needed to know, could be easily put in the video description, or better yet ------ the video itself! 😲 It's not like I'm using Windows Movie Maker or some other weak editor that does not allow you to use multiple video and audio tracks. 🥱 Waaaaaayyyyy past those days! 😎 So ok, you get it: excessive blog posts are not necessary, and I want to focus on video output. 🎥 Is that really a reason for not uploading for an entire year? 🐌 Well, though I have said it in some of my videos, a new serious problem emerged within 2020: video debt. 💀⚰

Severe Video Debt
"What is video debt?" you may ask. 🤨 Being behind in videos that were supposed to be uploaded during a certain time. 😬 Within 2020, it became a 1-3 months worth of videos behind. 💩 Fast forward to January 2022, and guess how bad it has become? 😳 Wait, you can probably already tell from the latest videos on the channel: 12 Months!!!!


"Whooaaaaaaaa, man! How da hell did you let it get so bad?!" There are a number of factors that led to this: lack of consistency, real life hurdles, and YouTube becoming increasingly demotivating. ☹ Let us go over these things and then the plans for 2022. 🤓

Lack Of Consistency
"Overfilming" back in 2020 was a terrible excuse to let months worth of videos pile up. 😖 While I have gotten into video debt in the past, it was never nowhere -- not even a millimetre close to the amount of video debt that I am currently in. 💀 Had I just stuck with routinely editing videos within a given month, it would not, and should not have gotten so out of hand. ✋🏾 Even better, if I had tried to edit whatever I filmed as soon feasibly possible, that would have made an astronomical difference! ☀

Real-life Hurdles
2020 was a year that shook the world upside down. 🌎 Guuzaka definitely included. 🙁 It was a year where all sorts of madness took place, all thanks to something invisible to the naked eye called COVID-19. 🦠 Thanks to this atrocious disease, it led to numerous disruptions across the world from lockdowns, restrictions, standing in stupid lines, unemployment, increased clueless politicians, shortages of goods, and the list goes. 📃 While people are no longer fighting for paper used for perineal cleansing in 2022, masks, restrictions, unhygienic people, and incompetent politicians remain place in place. 🧻

YouTube Becoming Increasing Demotivating
No, I am not quitting YouTube, so you can breathe either a sigh of relief or disappointment. 😌😠 Let's just get straight to the point with this:

- 1000 subscribers 4000 watch hours
- Hiding exact subscriber count number
- Putting advertisements on videos without paying creators
- Locking the comment section on children's videos
- removing dislike button
- removing dislike counter from comments

If I missed something that should be on that list, SAY IT! 💬 The recent debacle of YouTube removing the dislike button back in 2021 is so bad that even giga popular creators like PewDiePie and MKBHD have called it out! 😱 One of the major reasons why YouTube is getting away with this is because they have no competition. 🦗 Every other video uploading website that currently exists just does not have the presence and power as Google-Owned YouTube does. 👹 As I have mentioned back in an extremely ranty Tweet from November 2021, I hope that a potent rival comes and dethrones YouTube from its position of the #1 Video Hosting website. 🏆 A rival that will give us everything YouTube has taken away from us, plus everything good that made YouTube good before it started getting increasingly demented. 🤪 No, I do not want YouTube to be killed; just taught a hard lesson. 😤

Now while Guuzaka is not a children's brand, I have read several sad stories of people leaving YouTube because the platform keeps locking their comment's section. 🔒 Why? 🤔 Because the video was marked for Kids. 🤡 If a creator did not make a video specifically for children, they should not go around locking comment sections without their consent. 😒 I would go on with more, but at this point, I may very well consider doing an ultimate rant video based on the points above. 💢

2022 will not be a silent year. 💡 In fact, once I get my consistency set straight, you will see hundreds of awesome videos over the next several months. 📺 From places, products, animals, new hobbies, and oh so many more! 😃 When do I hope to get out of video debt? 🤔 I do not know. 😶 Unlike what some would do, I absolutely do not plan to burn myself out by pulling all-nighters, editing with no breaks, or any of that sort of extremism. 😅 As much as I would love to be editing January 2022 videos right now, as opposed to January 2021, these videos are not paying my bills which leads to the next point: Support The Channel. 👊🏾

Support The Channel
When some people see "Support XXX" their hairs stick up because they feel like somebody's begging them for money. 💰 That is not the case here. 😌 Even if it were, most creators, at least the good ones, do not hound and pound people to give them money. 💸 They make it optional for cheerful givers to give them money for their creative works. 💲 

"How do I support Guuzaka?" The number #1 biggest thing I need right now is for people to Subscribe to the channel to push it past the 1000 subscribers threshold as soon as possible. 🌠 However, the battle does not end just there. 😮 I also need people to actually watch the videos, and leave proper comments on them, too. ✍🏾 This will send a good message to the algorithms and recommendations, that it is not a brain-dead channel full of skeleton subscribers.🦴 If you think I am kidding about this, just ask any of those "Helping Creators" focused channels. 👀 Hell, even non-helper channels have talked about this problem of subscribers who do not encage. 💬

The second thing that you can do to help the channel is to shop from my Amazon or eBay links of the video descriptions. 🛒 If you already naturally shop from those websites, doing it through my links may earn me commissions at no extra expense to you. 🛍

2 Final Things I Would Like To Say In This Post

All videos filmed from January 2021 and newer now have the following content descriptors: 
  • Blood
  • Death
  • Gross
  • Language
  • Politics
  • Profanity
  • Religion
  • Sexual
  • Substances
  • Violence
The details of these will be done in another post. ✍🏾

And for the final thing: Channel FAQ. 😲 "OH MY GOSH! REALLY?!" Yes, really. 🤯 This is actually something that I have been wanting to do since the 2010s, but have never gotten around to it. 😐 For 2022, that changes. 🌟 This will obviously a separate blog post. 📃 See? 👀 I told you that 2022 was not going to be silent year. 🔊 From now on, I'll do my utmost best to try and let that never happen again. 😅 Communication is important in both video and text form. 💬 Texts are faster, and allow you to go back to them readily and easily to update them. 📄 Something videos cannot do, unless you would rather spend that much time and resources making too many videos before realizing a post would have served you and your audience better. 😵

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