Monday, November 2, 2020

Guuzaka 2020+

  Guuzaka                                                                                                          2020-11-02

Guuzaka 2020+

πŸ‘‰πŸΎThis blog post may contain affiliate links. When you click and purchase something from within these links, I may earn a small percentage of that sale. πŸ’² This is done at no extra expense to you. Guuzaka is not an official salesmen of these vendors. Therefore, any potential product problems and other technicalities must be dealt with through official staff of the online shop. 

The 2020s And Guuzaka

If you do not know why November 1st is a special day, then you know alarmingly little about this brand! 😬 Anyways! 😜 Yesterday marked the 4th anniversary of the Guuzaka brand. 😎 Well, the nitpickers might say only one year without "Tube" in the name, but you know what? Guuzaka is simply GuuzakaTube without the "Tube". πŸ€“ Thus, it is 4 years. πŸ•’ Now time to dive right into why you clicked this blog post in the 1st place: Guuzaka 2020+. 🌠 

So aside from the new ever-so-typically-Guuzaka 2020+ trailer, what exactly is so special about the 2020s decade? πŸ€” My oh my! Where do I start?! Perhaps with the trailer itself, given that it was remastered just one day after its official release? πŸ€ͺ Sounds like a reasonable start to the discussion. πŸ’¬

Guuzaka 2020+ Trailer

The first trailer was released yesterday in time for Guuzaka Day. 😢 The problem? πŸ€” Two things:

1) I started putting it together too close to Guuzaka Day 

2) As a result of #1 and Shotcut not having fine-tuned time duration for frames, I panicked became concerned

So as a result of me feeling cramped for time, and being more familiar with Windows Movie Maker's fine-tuned durations for frames, I decided to download it, and set it up. 😎 It seemed like a smooth idea at first. Until when export time came along, and I quickly remembered its shortcomings with exporting 4K videos. 🀦🏾‍♂️

Truth be told, it's not even built to accommodate 4K in the first place, let alone 4K@60FPS. As a result, I had to break it up into multiple video clips. 😲 I know. Ultra ridiculous given that all I wanted to do was export a video that's not even 2 minutes long. πŸ™„ I proceeded to putting the clips together in Shotcut, adding the soundtrack, other tidbits, then exported it. 🎦

It was after that moment, that I realized how much Windows Movie Maker downgraded the quality. πŸ™ˆ Truth be told, I could have checked and compared the quality between Shotcut and Movie Maker, but I did not. 😡 I just went ahead with it, and decided to remaster the trailer today, November 2nd 2020. 😡 Talk about trailer drama! πŸ€ͺ

So aside from resolution sharpness, is there anything else different between the two? 🀨 
the remastered one has two cool filter effects the other did not.

Channer Trailers Over The Years

Which trailer was best? 😎 Which was the worst? πŸ˜’ Watch them all and let me know! πŸ’¬

Whoa! πŸ’šπŸŸ’πŸŸ©πŸ˜²πŸ€―πŸ˜¬πŸ’šπŸŸ’πŸŸ© You must be ultra green after watching all of those! πŸ’šπŸŸ’πŸŸ©πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ’šπŸŸ’πŸŸ©

For past trailers over the years, it has been that iconic synth that I used for the Guuzaka theme. Enter 2020, and now it's gone! 😢 Good? πŸ˜‡ Bad? πŸ‘Ή Do not care? πŸ€” Well, would you like to know how I've been recording songs, intros, outros, and soundtracks for the past several years? I would put on hearing protection, turn up the keyboard volume, hit record on a smartphone and capture the sound from there. Now, let me accurately predict your emotions with emojis: 


It is one, two, many, or all of the above, eh? 😐 I know, I know, I can't believe that was how I used to record music for so long! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Perhaps I shouldn't have even admitted this! πŸ€ͺ Then again, there's not much people that read these blog posts anyways, right? πŸ‘€ Yeah, nobody's gonna know that. πŸ˜‰

So, ok! You now must be wondering how the 2020+ channel trailer soundtrack recorded, right? 🀨 It was done with the combination of a MIDI, electronic keyboard, and FL Studio Mobile. 😲 Yep that's right. Just like the way a professional would do it, except that I am not a professional! πŸ˜… Still, we can all agree that this improvement is lightyears better than how I used to do it. 🌠 Even I am personally excited for all the new, ultra high quality music I can now produce. 🎡 Thanks to finally coming to my senses, and investing in some proper tools. 😳 Speaking of new music, this leads to the next point: new intros and outros.

New Intros & Outros

 Before November 01, 2019, there were no intros and outros. Ever since Guuzaka 2019 & 2020 rolled onto the scene, it now became a thing for most videos, except certain outdoor videos and others, to have an intro and outro animation. With it now being 2020 a new decade, videos uploaded from November 2020 and onward will feature Guuzaka 2020+ intro & outros. 🎡 Again, some videos are exempt.

5 Major Pillars

Remember when it was just games, talk and outdoors? 🧐 Then it became games, talk, outdoors, and music. And when I realized that I have been handling a lot of products, I realized that there may have very well been a "Products" pillar for longer than I officialized it. In no particular order:

1. Smartphone Games πŸ“±

2. Outdoors 🌲🌳🍁🌊

3. Commentary-Discussion πŸŽ™πŸ’¬

4. Music (Casual Instrumental Noise Sessions mainly) 🎡🎢🎼

5. Products πŸ“¦

What's Going On With Commentaries And Noise Sessions?

I know, I know. πŸ˜– These two categories have been sorely missing in action. ❌ And quite frankly, I miss them a lot. πŸ˜₯ The hold up? A backlog of videos from previous months that I have not uploaded yet. πŸ₯΄ So why exactly has this caused a pause for these two categories and not the others? 🀨 For commentary videos, I do not feel that they are videos that can be sat on for months, and then uploaded much later. That would make the content of the video stale, badly timed, awkward, and even outdated. 😬

For the Casual Instrumental Noise Sessions. 🎡 Ehhhh, where do I start? 😢 Let's just say that once I start playing my instruments more frequently, and not now and then, then it would make sense to resume. πŸ˜… Nevertheless, I would like to resurrect it for 2021. πŸ™πŸΎ

Theme Specific Intros & Outros

Ever since I added intros and outros to my videos, I have been wanting to add Pillar-specific intros and outros to them. πŸ’‘ For example: a Music video intro could have music notes fly across the screen before Guuzaka comes. Maybe he could even chase them! 🎡 You get the idea. Sounds like an awesome idea, eh? πŸ˜€ So why haven't I done it? Just haven't been able to get around it. Perhaps once I get the backlog of videos cleared, I will be able to focus on it more. Perhaps I could even introduce them as a cool new change for videos uploaded November 01, 2021 and beyond? πŸ€” Or would you be appalled at the idea of putting off such a good idea for so long? πŸ’‘

2020+ And More

The list of possibilities, ideas, concepts, and what not, could potentially run for kilometres this decade. ⭐🌟🌟 So! Stay tuned by keeping up to date with Guuzaka on Twitter, Instagram, and yes this weblog. I have not been terribly active on it lately, but I do sometimes post some pretty important things. πŸ‘€ Stay healthy, blessed, and safe this decade! πŸ™πŸΎ⭐