Monday, July 6, 2020

Comment Section Rules (DEFUNCT POST)

Guuzaka                                                                                                          2020-07-06

Comment Section Rules (DEFUNCT POST)

👉🏾This blog post may contain affiliate links. When you click and purchase something from within these links, I may earn a small percentage of that sale. 💲 This is done at no extra expense to you. Guuzaka is not an official salesmen of these vendors. Therefore, any potential product problems and other technicalities must be dealt with through official staff of the online shop. 

Last revised: 2022-07-12

As of of July 12, 2022, this post has been amalgamated under the Guuzaka-Atazaka Frequently Asked Questions. As such, this post will no longer be updated! Read no further!

Obey Or Be Thrown Into The Bay

Any comments that fail to follow these rules will be deleted, or given a warning in some cases. ⚠ In more serious cases, the commenter may be blocked or even reported. 👀 These rules not only apply to the YouTube channel of Guuzaka, but all other social media accounts pertained to this brand. ▶ Your comments are a privilege, not a right. ◀

1. No hate speech.

Do not express any hatred to human beings based on skin colour, race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, veteran status or other. 👊👊🏻👊🏼👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿 We are all Homo sapiens sapiens. 🩸 Regardless of whether or not you prefer light skin, dark skin, or are a passionate believer of a certain religion, you absolutely cannot express hate in my comment sections.

2. No spam, bots, or advertising.

This is a major pet peeve of mine! 🙄 No spammy comments, bot accounts, advertising, or self-advertising is allowed. This would also include follow4follow, which also really ticks me off. 😑

3. No personal attacks.

Do not prey on people in my comment sections. 🦈🚫 This also includes threatening other people. Remember, if you result to personal attacks in an argument, it means that you lost the argument. 😳 You were not mature enough to keep the discussion constructive and classy. So if you claim to be all smart and convincing, then actually act like it! 😑

4. Stay on topic.

If a video, Tweet, or Instagram post is about Lake Ontario for example, keep it pertained to Lake Ontario. 🌊 This might sound like common sense, but if you ask anyone who dealt with comment sections for a long time, they will tell you that they have lost track of how many times a conversation has gone from ants to zippers. 🐜➡🤐

5. Do not post anyone’s personal information.

Names*, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail address, and other forms of sensitive information is a major no-no. 🔒

*Names are a bit of a grey area. If you are obviously talking about an individual who is publicly known, then that is different. If you watch a video, and make a comment stating that you, John and Mary were at a certain place where I was at a time, then I will usually leave the comment alone. If you were to post their full names, that would almost certainly result in it getting deleted. 🗑️

6. No swearing.
While profanity is already filtered out by my blacklist, sometimes there are exceptions where it does not catch it. 🤬 In such an event, I will delete the profanity. This also applies to other languages as well. How will I know what is a swear word or not from another language? You will find out once I get to #9. 🤐

7. No Trolling.

Do not say something for the sake of getting a reaction. Instead, take your time to do something more meaningful and positive. 🕊 Comment sections need not be a sewage lagoon. 🚫👹💩

8. No Lying.

This not only includes lying on people, but also posting blatantly false information about something or someone. Such acts may get you into legal trouble depending on the severity of the false information, and how far it went. 🤥

9. Post in English. 

If a foreign comment can be easily and accurately translated in Google, I will leave it alone. Granted, it does not break any of these rules here. Even then, you are strongly advised to post in English, as this is after all, an English-speaking channel. Foreign languages that cannot be translated, or are poorly translated, will be deleted. It is not worth the risk of what potential nastiness someone could be saying that you, or I, may not know. 😨 This leads to the next rule: unintelligible posts. 🥴

10. No unintelligible posts.

Comments that are nonsensical, garbled, jibberish, poorly translated, or that cannot be deciphered, will be deleted. 😵 Not only are comments like this an eyesore, but are uncalled for. 👺

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