Monday, January 6, 2020

The Revival Of Ata

Guuzaka                                                                                                          2020-01-06

The Revival Of Ata

👉🏾This blog post may contain affiliate links. When you click and purchase something from within these links, I may earn a small percentage of that sale. 💲 This is done at no extra expense to you. Guuzaka is not an official salesmen of these vendors. Therefore, any potential product problems and other technicalities must be dealt with through official staff of the online shop. 

Are you aware of the significant event that took place two days ago? 🤔 Probably not. Have you seen the Tweet about it? Perhaps, but you did not even bother to follow the link because you were not sure what exactly was so special about this whole "Atazaka" thing. 🤨 It's ok. I will not judge you too hard. 😆 After all, the brand was an extremely small, niche part of the Internet. So small, that "micro" "nano traffic" would be the word to describe it. It also does not help that it went by the obscure title ATA1201058, making it hard for all, but the extremely few that may have been really loved it, to remember such a name. Still, there were some notable videos from that brief era that received a fair bit of traffic for a "nano" brand: Walking around a Campus Site of University of Toronto ScarboroughTouring Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute [Exterior]Orange Fuzzy Caterpillar: Possibly Spilosoma Virginica, and Tunnel X -  Dance and dodge the electrical gates! So! Let us now dive into greater details about this whole revival, Atazaka, Guuzaka, and all! 🤓 But before you do, it would make sense for you to check out the first ATA video uploaded to what is now Guuzaka, then watch the revived ATA video. See the connection? 🧩

What Exactly Was Atazaka?
ATA1201058 was my original proto-Guuzaka brand dating all the way back to 2010. Though I may have had an account or two before 2010, ATA1201058 was my first proper, functional YouTube account. It was highly experimental, variable, and fun. 📱 The video quality was rather substandard though, despite the videos being high-definition. 😅

On November 01, 2016, ATA1201058 was succeeded by GuuzakaTube, which was then finally rebranded as just Guuzaka, on November 01, 2019. On January 04, 2020, exactly 10 years from when it was created, it has now been revived as a completely separate brand from the Guuzaka channel, losing the mechanical 1201058, and gaining the familiar "Zaka", while keeping the same variable, yet simple nature of what it used to be back in the day. 🌞 Ah, the good times! 🍃 The abysmal quality is one thing that certainly will not return, though! 😅

Why Didn't You Just Rebrand ATA1201058 As Atazaka Then? Atazaka Sounds Like A Weird Spin On Guuzaka
Excellent question! You see, when ATA1201058 was first created, I did not even intend to use it as a serious channel for uploading videos. This is evidenced by the gaps between when I uploaded the first, second, and onward videos. It was not until 2016 when I decided that I would start uploading more videos. When I realized that I was going to be creating content more frequently, I then felt that it was necessary to get rid such an obscure name for better branding and visibility on the Internet. Makes perfect sense, eh? GuuzakaTube/Guuzaka is far easier to remember than ATA1201058 will ever be! 😵

So! Why didn't I just call Guuzaka, Atazaka instead? Because I wanted to do away with "ATA" in the name. I saw ATA1201058 as an awkward, low quality era that I did not want GuuzakaTube to be associated with. 😬 The transition to GuuzakaTube was not just about better visibility, but video quality, too. While GuuzakaTube/Guuzaka was never intended to be an over-edited, glamorous channel, it was not about substandard quality either. Guuzaka has far stronger brand identity than Atazaka does, as is evidenced in the editing and Internet visbility.

As for why Atazaka rhymes with Guuzaka? Because it's totally intentional! 😎 They are siblings, so I intentionally made their names end in "Zaka".

Will The ATA1201058 Videos Be Left On The Guuzka-branded Channel, Or Will You Transfer Them?
They will be left on Guuzaka. It does not make sense to transfer for them over, and lose all the comments, views, and statistics they have garnered over the years. Furthermore, the loss of 80 videos would make milestone videos such as 100th Video, 200th video, and so on inaccurate. Furthermore, as mentioned above, even though Guuzaka transformed to be a very different successor, he is the direct, natural, successor of ATA1201058. Atazaka was created separately with purpose of functioning as the modern continuity of what ATA1201058 was like. 

So What Motivated You To Create Atazaka?
This. This question is the biggest highlight of this entry! You see, while Guuzaka and Atazaka have their similarities, they also had some major differences. Especially when comparing the early Ata videos to the Guuzaka-branded videos. There is just a particular charm about them, that is missing from the Guuzaka-branded videos. Don't get me wrong: I very much love the cool, green guy. 😎 As time went on though, I started to miss some of the attributes of the videos from the old days. How YouTube was then, memories then, and more. Naturally, this would include the simplistic nature of Ata. I can't remember if it was 2018 or 2019, where I started toying with the idea of bringing back Ata back. One thing's certain: I got very serious about resurrecting Ata during 2019, and made some plans about how I would do this for January 04, 2020, since it would be exactly 10 years from the date Ata was created.

Lo and behold, I did it guys. 😲🌠 I went ahead and actually did it. 🌟

What Will The 2020 Revived Ata Be About?
Same thing back then: short, simple videos of whatever I feel like doing.

What Will Be Different About The 2020 Revived ATA?
Aside from the name-ending and actual presence of a visual brand logo, nothing major. As mentioned earlier, the videos will not be substandard! 😅 They will be of much higher resolution and audio quality. ✅

Why Couldn't Guuzaka Just Be Like This? Why Two Brands?

Good question, considering that Guuzaka is supposed to be a "natural" brand. By that, I mean that it is not a mass appeal, clickbaity, *high traffic, sellout brand. It's all about content that I like, and if you do not like, then you just have to move on. While that is true, it has also developed traits that make it unique. Traits that just simply make it Guuzaka, and cannot be simply described in one word.🎦 I would say enigmatic describes it perfectly well. 🛸 Guuzaka videos almost always have intros, outros, 10+ minutes long, and have other Guuzakish tidbits. 🏔🍁🎶🐦

*There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a successful channel with thousands or millions of fans. As long as you are a genuine channel that contributes to the better of the Internet, you deserve your success. 🏆 But to those of you who built your success on foolishness, please do not just me, but millions of others a favour: get off the Internet. 🙄

What's With The "His" and "He"? Are These Real People, Characters, Or What?
You are not seriously asking this are you? ❓💭

These Names Sound Feminine. Are You Sure Your Mascots Are Not Female?
What if I told you...... that this whole time the green Guuzaka guy was not the only thing on the channel that goes by that title? 😶 The same is true for Atazaka. ATA1201058 on the other hand, never had proper logo or anything. It was really prototype-y and lacked a true brand identity. And by the way, I do not personally think these names sound feminine. Well, maybe Atazaka somewhat does, but certainly not Guuzaka!

Wait, WHAT?! 🤯
I have said enough. The rest is up to you to discover. That is if you have not noticed the whole time. No, Guuzaka nor Atazaka is not apart of my real name. In fact, my first, middle, and surname does not even begin with A or G. 🤯 I am really blowing your mind with this entry, eh? 👾


Which Channel Will You Upload On More Often?
Guuzaka because that is the main flagship brand. There may end up being times where I post on Atazaka more often, demanding on demand and response to the content uploaded on him. Too early to answer with certainty at this point.

Will You Redo The Former Ata Videos In UHDAnd Upload Under The Atazaka Brand?
You gotta be kidding me! That would be 80 videos! 😬 Sorry, but no. Possibly some of them in the future, but that is not guaranteed. 

I Notice That There Are Praying Hands In A Part Of The 2020 Atazaka Comeback Trailer. Did He Die And Have God Bring Him Back To Life?
😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Really, man? LOL!
Still not sure what to make of that? 😬 No, he did not die. 😂🤣 It is just a dramatic representation of the brand, not the mascot, coming back to life as the new and separate Atazaka.

Your Mascots Look Really Strange... What Are They Really Supposed To Be?
Strange is just your opinion man. 🙃 They are sentient sunglasses not intended to be placed on your heed, because they can bite! 😲 Atazaka is less likely to bite than his older brother, however. 

Wrap up
So! 😎 That will be all the questions I will be answering for now. 🤓 Creating such a nostalgic brand inspired from proto-Guuzaka AKA ATA1201058, which was created during my high school days was such a special thing to do for 2020. 🌟 It also helps that it was so conveniently created within the first 5 days of the year. 🤓 Well, maybe you might not be feeling my hype, and that is A-ok. 😌 Neither Guu nor Ata are major brands recognizable by the masses. If they do take off, I would hope that it happens naturally. We all know what happens to channels that grow too quickly, so, um, yeah. 😬 I would rather have an audience of 5000 that understands my videos for what they are, than to have troubled ocean of 12,000,000. That's not to say that all large channel are infested with trolls. They're not. It's just better to have an audience that is behaved, regardless of whether you are a small, mid-sized, or big creator. Happy 2020 New Year! 🌠

Atazaka Videos

  • Have Atazaka branding
  • Are Almost always less than 10 minutes
  • Have no intros or outros
  • Have multiple tracks, but the video track is the focus
  • Random filter effects are used sparingly
  • Are only in ultra high-definition (2160p) or greater, making this a notable difference from the past

  • Guuzaka Videos

  • Guuzaka branding
  • Almost always more than 10 minutes
  • Almost always have intros and outros, excluding nature videos and certain others
  • Makes moderate to extensive use of multiple tracks, hence the more frequent onscreen texts, emojis, unboxing music, filler music in some videos, and more
  • Moderate to extensive use of random, short filter effects

  • Features a variety of resolutions starting at no lower than full high-definition (1080p)

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