Monday, September 30, 2024

Autumn Talks 2024

     Guuzaka                                                                                                          2024-09-30

Affiliate Links Disclosure

πŸ‘‰πŸΎThis blog post may contain affiliate links. When you click and purchase something from within these links, I may earn a small percentage of that sale. πŸ’² This is done at no extra expense to you. Guuzaka is not an official salesmen of these vendors. Therefore, any potential product problems and other technicalities must be dealt with through official staff of the online shop. 

Last Day Of The Month

At least 1 blog post per month, right? 😐 Well, I certainly have not done a good job with that thus far in Year 2024. To date, I have only done 4 blog posts: April, May, July, and now this one. 😳 I will need to do my best to try and make sure something is done not just for the remaining months of the year, but going forward in general. In my April blog post this year, I went into good detail about the importance of not having your identity and livelihood tied to 1 platform. In summary, if that platform just deletes your account, you are screwed. πŸ’€

So yes, Autumn has come upon us 8 days ago in the northern hemisphere. πŸ‚ If you know me already, you will damn well know that I do not look forward to cooler weather, but alas! I live in Canada where 4 distinct seasons exist, although some parts of the country are technically only winter and cold spring weather-wise. πŸ₯Ά Northern Nunavut, particularly Resolute Bay and Grise Fiord come to mind. πŸ₯Ά

Yes, I realise that today also happens to be National Day For Truth And Reconciliation. Not going to lie; I forgot what the main theme of that day is supposed to be about. 😳 I know that it has to do with some sort of Indigenous recognition, but upon refreshing my memory with a Google Search I learned that the day honours the children who died and Survivors of residential schools. πŸ₯€ Heartbreaking indeed. πŸ’” And you know, or actually perhaps it is better not to even mention what I just saw first thing on Reddit a little earlier, but here we go: a deranged racist farmer mowed a little black 6-year-old boy down in front of his mother whilst she screamed in horror. 😬 I thought he died when I first read the headline, but I did not look to closely at what was said. That article turned me off so bad, that I just left the website shortly. But, upon talking about dead or abused children in residential schools, this topic reminded of that poor little boy. πŸ˜”

"Gosh darn it, Guuzaka! Why the hell did you have to mention that?! That is so revolting!" I know, I know. That is just plain awful! Why people continue to abuse children, or even people in general is beyond me. πŸ₯€ Orange shirts are cool, but everyday is important for keeping the general peace and not abusing people, especially vulnerable people like children. 😐

My Latest Videos

10 days ago, I finally uploaded the latest batch of videos to my channel. Felt like forever, but at least I finally finished that batch. You may be wondering why all 18 of those videos are Beyblade Xtreme content, as opposed to February 2022's batch? 🀨 You see, I intended for those videos to come out a bit sooner, but due to a myriad of things I talked about in past entries, I was not able to edit and upload as fast as I would like to. 🐌 Beyblade Xtreme is the latest, hottest thing in the Battle Top world right now. πŸ”₯ I have certainly noticed how quickly it has been growing other channels. I have even noticed how my views, visitors, and subscribers have steadily gone up. Nothing record-breaking by any means, but growth is growth. 🌱 This is why I did not want to leave that batch of videos till when I get around to uploading 2024 videos. 

Now, does this mean that I am going to forsake all my others videos and allocate all my resources and time to Beyblade Xtreme? πŸ€” Certainly not! In fact, now that I have completed this batch of Beyblade videos that I have codenamed Beyblade Xtreme December 2023 To June 2024, I would like to begin editing the February 2022 batch realistically towards the end of next week. 

Year 2024 End Targets

500 or more subscribers on YouTube before Year 2024 ends?  As tempted as I am to say 1000, I am not too sure if that is too realistic. Possible? Yes. Likely? Not too likely. 100 or more views per Blogger upload? πŸ˜ƒ Not impossible, but perhaps not too likely? 🀨 I made the mistake last time of not posting some of previous entries to Instagram, and my other social networks, which could very well explain why they could not even get past 20 views at the time of this very writing. πŸ’€ Even for a Nano-sized brand like mine, we can all agree that not even getting at least 50 is pretty damn bad. 😳 But you know? I am also very careful that when talking about views to remind viewers that big views overnight is not what I am aiming for. An audience that actually engages with the content is far more important to my brand's growth and stability. πŸ‘€

I may be able to upload 2 batches, but could I do 3 batches of videos before year end? πŸ€” Considering that the February 2022 batch alone has 20 videos, getting even 2 might be a stretch. So, 99% certainly not 3. Do I have any particular goals for Instagram? Not really, to be super honest. Maybe spend just slightly more time on it, as so to not make my presence there seem too irrelevant. Oh yes, Patreon and Ko-fi! πŸ’°πŸ€— I am surprised I have not mentioned either of those 2 in my entries this year. Or did? I cannot recall doing so, so I will talk about them a little now. If you do love my content, and want to show continual support, and are excited about what may become of Guuzaka Atazaka, consider becoming a patron on my Patreon. Not into subscriptions? That is totally understandable, hence where my Ko-fi comes into play. There, you can send one-time payments instead.

Overall, using the analogy of meat and potatoes, YouTube would be the meat, and Blogger the potatoes in terms of my focus and growth at this time. πŸ—πŸ₯”

Infinity Nado

"Seriously, Guuzaka what are you onto?" Or "What is that?" you must have said in your mind or perhaps even out loud. Chances are, if you have been on the channel, looked around, and bonus points, even checked out the playlists, you see that things that spin like Beyblades, Infinity Nado, and fidget spinners have their own playlist. So naturally, Infinity Nado has been on my mind, but yet you still do not see them on my channel just yet. Why I so randomly mention them, is because I had intended to start filming at least 1 video with them per month in 2024. The result? I only did 2 videos all the way back in February. 🐌 And on top of it, I do not recall being too personally proud of those videos. 😳 

If I were to ever get my hands on Infinity Nado 6, that would be sweet! 🀩 Too bad they still have not released locally: online nor brick-and-mortar. And by online, I am talking like Amazon Canada or Walmart Canada. You can buy them straight from Alpha Group on AliExpress, however. I was under the impression that when Beyblade Xtreme launched last year, that they would have tried to rival them by shortly launching to North American stores, but nope! 😐 Looks like Alpha Group really does not want to bother with that for this generation. Who knows. They might just surprise us and launch locally in Year 2025. 😲

Autumn Marketing

This particular section is solely for me to do some shameless affiliate marketing about some on-going eBay sale events for my viewers in Canada, United States Of America, and Australia. Do not worry, I am not going to talk about things I have absolutely no interest in just for the sake of getting clicks and affiliate commissions upon your qualified purchases. 😌 Fellow Canadians, there is unfortunately not a whole lot going on, but Lenovo is offering eBay-certified refurbished products. I personally own a pair of Lenovo wireless mice in red and blue. πŸ”΄πŸ”΅

Could care less about Lenovo? You might be more excited about Jordans. πŸ€ I have yet to personally unbox Jordans, but I have done other shoe brands before.

Americans, there is TONS I could talk about, but I will stick with 3 things for you Eaglescell phones under $250, eBay refurbished Apple computers, and fine jewelry. πŸ’Ž Admittedly, I selected fine jewelry just for fun and giggles, but who knows: maybe you were about to conveniently buy some! 😝

G'day, my Oceanian mates! 🦘 eBay is oddly having more sales events for you Australians than Canadians. Kind of odd given that eBay is North American company, but perhaps they get more revenue from you? 🀨 I personally do not know. Save up to $400* on a great Dyson rangeUp to 45% off phones, and Fashion Aussie brands you love, will be what I will share with you this entry.

September Close-off

Nothing more I particularly have that I want to discuss further. I shall now tidy this entry, have it posted, then shared to my social media accounts. πŸ‚ Did any Indigenous people by any chance stumble across this post? 🀨 If you did, let me know, and tell me which tribe you are from if you do not mind. πŸ˜„