Sunday, June 21, 2020

Channel Description, Explanation, And COPPA (DEFUNCT POST)

Guuzaka                                                                                                          2020-06-21

Channel Description, Explanation, And COPPA (DEFUNCT POST)

πŸ‘‰πŸΎThis blog post may contain affiliate links. When you click and purchase something from within these links, I may earn a small percentage of that sale. πŸ’² This is done at no extra expense to you. Guuzaka is not an official salesmen of these vendors. Therefore, any potential product problems and other technicalities must be dealt with through official staff of the online shop. 

Last revised: 2020-07-06

I have decided to split the topics of COPPA and my comment section rules into their own blog posts. Why I decided to lump them together in the first place? Not sure, but that was not a good idea, so this has been fixed. 

In case you missed the Tweet, my channel description has been updated for the first time since possibly 2016? πŸ€” Yeah, crazy. 😡 While Guuzaka has remained pretty similar, a lot has changed since then both inside and outside of YouTube. As a result, I would like to take this blog post as not only an opportunity to explain things, but to also serve as a reference to legal things like Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA).

"You are on Guuzaka. 😢 The 5 major pillars of this brand are the outdoors, mobile games, products, music, and commentary-discussion videos."

Pretty self-explanatory. Lets you know that you are on the official Guuzaka channel and that the main categories of videos I like to make are outdoors, mobile games, products, music, and commentary-discussion videos.

"However, Guuzaka is by no means a mass appeal brand. It can be rather strange, different, complicated or controversial at times."

My channel is the way I want it to be. It is not intended to be enjoyable to the general population. This is not to say that it is straight up vulgar and shocking. It is not. But at the same time, I do not try to win the mass approval of everyone's tastes. As such, sometimes commentary may be political, religious, strange, not to your tastes, or oh-so-variable! 😢🎈

 I upload videos that I like. If you like, cool. If you do not like, you are strongly advised to move on without any drama or nonsense of the sort.
As explained above, I upload what I want to upload. That said, if you did manage to like a particular video, then great. 😎 If you did not like a particular video or this channel as whole, just move on without being rude, stupid, or dramatic. πŸ˜‘ You would be surprised at how easy it is to actually do that: leave peacefully and respectfully. πŸ•Š

Important! Even though some of the videos are rated "E" Guuzaka is NOT catered to children.

This is extremely important. So important, that I actually had plans to create a video entirely on this subject since February. Well, we all know how that went: did not happen at all. 😣 While June is a good 4 months apart from February, it is better to discuss it now than never.

You see, a lot of the videos on my channel seem to be rated E, right? And you also see that a lot of them are outdoor videos of schools when they are closed. This must mean that this channel is obviously catered to children, right? 🀑🎈 

Absolutely wrong! In fact, none of the videos on my channels are catered specifically to people under 13. The rated E simply means that it is safe enough for people of all ages to watch. The general recommended age for my videos is 13+. As explained earlier, commentary (as well as edits 😏) may vary a lot in my videos, which can cause a video that you might expect to be rated E, get stamped with a rated 13+ or higher.

That said, you will notice that all of my videos before November 2019, do not have age ratings. What are viewers supposed to do in this situation? 🀨 You have to use a combination of personal judgement, as well as the fact that Guuzakan videos are generally recommended for an audience of 13+. If at any point a video made you feel uncomfortable because the topics of the commentary were too mature, immediately stop watching it and seek a channel that caters to children, or is at least always rated E. πŸ˜‰

Comment Section Rules

Any comments that fail to follow these rules will be deleted, or given a warning in some cases. In more serious cases, the commenter may be blocked or even reported. These rules not only apply to the YouTube channel of Guuzaka, but all other social media accounts pertained to this brand. ▶ Your comments are a privilege, not a right. ◀

1. No hate speech.

Do not express any hatred to human beings based on skin colour, race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, veteran status or other. We are all Homo sapiens sapiens. Regardless of whether or not you prefer light skin, dark skin, or are a passionate believer of a certain religion, you absolutely cannot express hate in my comment sections.

2. No spam, bots, or advertising.

This is a major pet peeve of mine! πŸ™„ No spammy comments, bot accounts, advertising, or self-advertising is allowed. This would also include follow4follow. Another thing that really ticks me off. πŸ˜‘

3. No personal attacks.

Do not prey on people in my comment sections. This also includes threatening other people. Remember, if you result to personal attacks in an argument, it means that you lost the argument. 😳 You were not mature enough to keep the discussion constructive and classy. So if you claim to be all smart and convincing, then actually act like it!

4. Stay on topic.

If a video, Tweet, or Instagram post is about Lake Ontario for example, keep it pertained to Lake Ontario. This might sound like common sense, but if you ask anyone who has had to deal with comment sections for a long time, they will tell you that they have lost track of how many times a conversation has gone from ants to zippers. 😬

5. Do not post anyone’s personal information.

Names*, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail address, and other forms of sensitive information is a major no-no. πŸ”’

*Names are a bit of a grey area. If you are obviously talking about an individual who is publicly known, then that is different. If you watch a video, and make a comment stating that you, John and Mary were at a certain place where I was at a time, then I will usually leave the comment alone. If you were to post their full names, that would almost certainly result in it getting deleted. πŸ—‘️

6. No swearing.
While profanity is already filtered out by my blacklist, sometimes there are exceptions where it does not catch it. In such an event, I will delete the profanity. This also applies to other languages as well. How will I know what is a swear word or not from another language? Read section #9. 🀐

7. No Trolling.

Do not say something for the sake of getting a reaction. Instead, take your time to do something more meaningful and positive. Comment sections need not be a sewage lagoon. πŸ‘Ή

8. No Lying.

This not only includes lying on people, but also posting blatantly false information about something or someone. Such acts may get you into legal trouble depending on the severity of the false information, and how far it went. πŸ€₯

9. Post in English. 

If a foreign comment can be easily and accurately translated in Google, I will leave it alone. Granted, it does not break any of these rules here. Even then, you are strongly advised to post in English, as this is after all, an English-speaking channel. Foreign languages that cannot be translated, or are poorly translated, will be deleted. It is not worth the risk of what potential nastiness someone could be saying that you, or I, may not know. 😨 This leads to the next rule: unintelligible posts. πŸ₯΄

10. No unintelligible posts.

Comments that are nonsensical, garbled, jibberish, poorly translated, or that cannot be deciphered, will be deleted. 😡 Not only are comments like this an eyesore, but are uncalled for. πŸ‘Ί

About Time

It's about time I finally made things crystal clear, eh? πŸ’Ž As the brand continues to grow and change in some ways, it was time that I finally made a post to touch on these important matters.

Father's Day & National Indigenous Peoples Day 2020

Guuzaka                                                                                                          2020-06-21

Father's Day & National Indigenous Peoples Day 2020

πŸ‘‰πŸΎThis blog post may contain affiliate links. When you click and purchase something from within these links, I may earn a small percentage of that sale. πŸ’² This is done at no extra expense to you. Guuzaka is not an official salesmen of these vendors. Therefore, any potential product problems and other technicalities must be dealt with through official staff of the online shop. 

Whoa! 😲 The June 20-21, 2020 weekend was met with three annual observances: Summer 2020 on the 20th, and Father's Day and National Indigenous Peoples Day on the 21st, the same day I am writing and publishing this blog post. ⭐⭐⭐ Amazing, eh? 😎 Not only did these observances occur, the weather was amazing, too. ☀ Well, where I was at least. πŸ˜… Well, I guess for some they would consider it unpleasant, given that it was a nice, balmy 30°C. 🌞 

So! To all of you good fathers out there that have worked hard to bring joy to your children and relatives, Happy Father's Day! πŸ€— Continue to be your best, stay healthy, and strong! 🌞 Enjoy the gifts your relatives or friend may have given you.

Indigenous peoples, Happy National Indigenous Peoples Day! πŸ™πŸΎ You are truly a special group of people. You were the first to inhabit not just Canada, but the America's as a whole. You took care of the land, and did your best to live in harmony with nature for millennia. Things have changed drastically since then and now. A lot for the worse, but thankfully there is now a push for the better. There is still much work to be done. Since the death of George Floyd and others last month in the United States, people have been talking about the problem of racism more than ever before. 

I, for one, believe that nobody, Black, White, Asian, Indigenous, or multiracial should face any form racism. Remember, one blood; many nations. 🩸❤️ Choose peace. Say no to racism. πŸ•Š