Friday, September 6, 2019

September 06th Entry: So Many Videos!

GuuzakaTube                                                                                                   2019-09-06

September 6th Entry: So Many Videos!

🔵This blog post may contain affiliate links

I think the "So Many Videos" part of this title is 100% self-explanatory when you realize that the August 2019 batch of uploads has 13 videos! 😲🤯😱 While there has been times where there was as much 10, maybe 11 or 12, not quite sure if I've gone past 13. 😐 Anyways! Let's dive into them! 🌊

Do you see it? Trick answer: no you don't. Why? Because the Koenigsegg Jesko is nowhere to be seen in 99% of Asphalt 9 garages. The reason being was that this "Anniversary Event" has taken Greedloft's greed to unprecedented heights. Seriously, these greedy hogs must have thought they would make people desperate enough to buy the car. Instead, the opposite happens. Not only have many people quit the event early, but I also heard that many people have quit Asphalt 9 altogether! 😬 It's funny how earlier in the year, I thought that Asphalt 8 was the one that would die this year. I'm not sure what state the game is currently in, but it clearly still has its loyal fan base, and its still getting all these cool locations and cars. Asphalt 9 seems to be trying desperately hard to be Pay-To-Win. Too hard.... 😑 Maybe it will be the one that ends up dying before Asphalt 8... ⚰

Does this mean I'll go back to playing Asphalt 8? 🤬🤬🤬🤬 No! When I said that I quit that game permanently, I meant it. 😐 Asphalt 9 has recently released a new update called the Tune It Up Update. Will it be an attempt to win those it lost back? Time will tell. Funnily, for the 99% of us that weren't stupid enough to pay for the Koenigsegg Jesko, it still sits in the garage with a key required to unlock it. I really hope that this changes by next update, because I would not want this event to become revived with the same stupid paywalls. If they are going to revive it, here's a number of changes they need to make:

1. Don't make the event Pay-To-Win. You'll only end up losing players and revenue. Have you not learned your lesson from Asphalt 8, Greedloft?

2. Make those card packs drop Guaranteed blueprints! 

3. Make the event give enough Syndicate Coins to progress, unlock, and upgrade without paying a dime. Even better, stick to credits and tokens! We really do not need a third currency, even if it is just temporary! This screams money grab! 👎🏾👎🏾

Episode #24 of the musical madness! 🎲🔊🎶🎵 Why the fan? To keep the Nokia Lumia 1520 cool. 🤣😂 Alright, alright! The fan more so functions as an aesthetic for this episode. All the other episodes never featured a fan, making this one the first. As for the sound theme, this episode features lots of harmonics and experimental themes. 😶 So, um, you'll either want to not watch the video after reading that, or you'll be stoked! 😃🙉

I don't think I explicitly mentioned the price differences in the video, so I'll mention it here: you're better of getting Duet Sport Clogs at Crocs Canada than from Virtual Exchanges. Why? Because the price just seems to keep ticking upwards. As of September 04, 2019, this pair costs $44 + $15.11 for shipping, then another $15.19 for import fees. You're looking at $74.30 + whatever your provincial tax is. 💀 Duet Sport Clogs from Crocs Canada cost $59.99, but wait! They often go on sale, sometimes as low as half the price! 😲 Depending on the promotion, you could get two pairs, PLUS free shipping since it'll tip over $55, for less than the cost of one pair of Duet Sport Crocs from Virtual Exchanges. Did I regret my purchase after figuring that out? Not entirely, because Virtual Exchanges not only shipped faster than Crocs Canada, but they are also responsive to questions. Something Crocs Canada is not good at. 😑 They either take forever to respond, or don't end up responding at all. 🙄 I should specify through e-mails that is. If you have a question, I would strongly recommend avoiding e-mails. Use the phone instead. 📞

The verdict? Buy from Crocs Canada. Unless you absolutely must have the blue and white combo, you'll save far more money buying from Crocs Canada during their sales. 👍🏾💰

Admittedly, I don't really have a ton to say about this place. The front is pretty I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Had it not been for this hilarious couch you see in the photograph, I would have had nothing to really say about this school. 🤣😂😁😆 The school looks quite small, and doesn't have anything spectacular surrounding it, but my oh my! That couch really caught my eye! 😆 It was probably removed by the time the weekdays arrived, but if it wasn't, I wonder how staff and students would have reacted to it? 🤔

I probably could have easily titled this Veteran's Point Gardens, since the video does start in it. However, I felt that with most of the video taking place on the coast, it wouldn't have been too accurate. Well, I guess it would still be accurate, but whatever. 🌊 This place is really nice. 😎 I can see why it attracts so many people. While I was there, there were a lot of people chilling and enjoying their time here. 🌞

Yes! 🤪😁😃 You know I love to bug these Canadian icons! 🍁 Well, I didn't "bug them" per se, but there were some honks of disapproval in this video! 🤣😂

Lion's Point Coast is truly a remarkable place! 📸🌊 In fact, due to the water levels at one of the parts, I was not able to explore what actually had more to it! 😲 That's right, this coast does not actually stop at the part you see at the 9:13 time mark in the video. It actually continues to another strip, that I was not able to catch on camera. How I know this is because I visited this strip several times during August to complete missions. I did film a video with my BlackBerry Passport that showcases it. Due to the already large amount of uploads within the August 2019 batch, I decided to leave it out. I may or may not end up including it in the September 2019 batch. Perhaps, I might just consider redoing it with a 4K capable smartphone. Maybe the Nokia Lumia 1520, iPhone 6s Plus or both.

This video takes place in the same location of the Nokia Lumia 1520, but the purposes are totally different. As one can so obviously tell from the titles, the Nokia Lumia 1520's video was intended for enjoyment. The BlackBerry Passport on the other hand was made to highlight the problem, and showcase it in a real-world scenario. As you can see from the videos within this batch, I did order a replacement camera for it. 

I love my White Specialist II Vent Clogs! 😝 However, if there's one thing I don't like too much about them, is the fact they do not slip onto your feet as easily as Duet Sport Clogs or Crocband™ Clogs for reference. 🤨 Confused? I feel more like I have to step into them, than I do with my Duet Sport and Crocband™ Clogs. This is likely because they have noticeably taller quarters. Of course, this picture will not do you any justice, because it's from a bird's eye view. Those that own them and another lower pair, will know exactly what I'm talking about. Does that make them bad Crocs? No. You can say that it offers better protection for the back of your feet and more support for that area as well. 

Still, I feel that it's a nitpick that is very much worth pointing out. For some people, such faults could actually be a dealbreaker, so it pays to be honest. 🙂

As with the 400th and 300th videos on the channel, this was not planned to be in that position. I think the last time I planned such videos, was with the 100th and 200th. After that, it was just random. 🚀 And wow, it is truly crazy to think that I have made so many videos in 3 years, despite all the ups and many downs that have happened within the 2016-2019 period. Yes, I know what some of you are saying, "Isn't this channel 9 years old?" Yes, you're correct, this channel's history dates all the way back to Jan 04, 2010. 😲 Wow, feels so nostalgic just thinking about it.... 🕒 It wasn't even GuuzakaTube at that time... then I was in high school.... 🏫 Oh man, the years! Where have they gone?! Here I am supposed to be talking about some health products I unboxed. Instead, I'm here getting all nostalgic over nearly decade of history with Ata-Guuzaka! 🤣😂😁

Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmmmmmm! 😛 Would you look at those delicious green waves?! 🤤 Makes you feel real thirsty, eh? 👅 NOT! 🤢🤮 Seriously, just why?! This is an otherwise beautiful place, but I was also really cautious about not letting that even splash on me! I suspect it has something to do with algae, because you can see that it is blue further ahead, but still. Other coasts in Oshawa do not look this, while there are other Oshawan waters that have a similar problem. Remember Nokia Lumia 1520 4K Lakewoods Park Lookout June 2019 Visit anyone? 🤔🙈

At the time I typed this part of the blog, this is my best performing video of the August 2019 uploads. 🤨 Why? Because the BlackBerry Passport is still an awesome phone, even in 2019! 😎👑 Seriously, I've noticed that even when I upload 4K videos from my iPhone 6s Plus and Nokia Lumia 1520, that people still bother watching the BlackBerry Passport's version. I find it rather strange, given that those two have cameras that are far better. Yet, the BlackBerry 10 fan base still remains fascinated with the remnants of the BlackBerry 10 smartphones. But why? Could it be the fact that all BlackBerry 10 devices have headphone jacks, microSD card slots, LED notification, and run something entirely different from Android and iOS? 🤔 Yeah, I think the latter is particularly the reason why some people, myself included, refuse to let go of BlackBerry 10. I'll discuss other operating systems further in "What's Next & Other Topics".

So! How did it go with Esource Parts? Great! ✅ I placed an order one day, and they shipped the next. Perhaps the biggest question is if the replacement module worked or not? The answer is yes. Yes, it did. 🥳 Since the day I've taken my BlackBerry Passport apart to swap it out, my device can now take normal pictures and videos again. 🌠😎 It was my first time ever disassembling and repairing a device, but I followed a video carefully, and was gentle with it. And no, I did not have to go painstakingly slow. Just gentle enough not to rip ribbons, short the motherboard or some other potentially dangerous part. 🤣😂 When I look at modern smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ and iPhone XS family, it's really pathetic how difficult smartphones are getting to repair. 🙄 Glued back panels, glued batteries, more screws than ever, it's just nuts. 👎🏾 The good days with flagships like the LG V20, Samsung Galaxy Note 4, and Lumia 950 XL that had removable batteries need to come back. 🙏🏾

"Ramblings" makes it sound as though the discussion is nothing but long winded, confusing talk, so I've decided to now rebrand it as "What's Next & Other Topics" and do away with "What's Next & Other Ramblings". 😅 Alright! As promised above, I wanted to talk more about other operating systems. With both BlackBerry 10 and Windows 10 Mobile being dead, is there going to be someone to step in and disrupt the iOS and Android duopoly? I was once thought that it would be Huawei with its Harmony OS, but ever since their restrictions were removed, they hopped right back in bed with Android and had lots of sex... 🙄 Seriously, I don't know why Huawei couldn't just keep going with it, and release two sets of smartphones: phones with Harmony OS, and phones with Android. I hope that they will change their minds and give the competition some much needed operating system diversity. I've heard about the Librem 5, which plans to ship their phones this autumn. That phone runs its own Linux operating system called Pure OS. I hope it does very well. 🙏🏾 I may consider getting one. Sailfish? The Finnish trolls still won't release the darn software to regions outside of Europe! 😣 Release it to North America already!

Let's talk about the Porsche Taycan! ⚡ Yesterday, Porsche unveiled their first, all-electric vehicle, and man was the press all over it! 🤩 If you have been tired of those tiny, dinky, itsbitsy, front-wheel drive hatchbacks, then you'll know why this car matters so much. It's the first proper rival to the Tesla Model S, which has been the gold standard of what electric vehicles need to be. Sure, there was the Jaguar I-Pace, which was an attractive, crossover with all-wheel drive. However, it was by no means a Tesla Model X competitor. In fact, I've been reading lots of reports lately about how poorly that car is selling. So much so, that they even made incentives for Tesla owners to buy it! 😲 Yeah... not good... I still hope that Jaguar keeps trying, and that they come up with better, larger, more capable electric crossovers. Vehicles that will show the world that Jaguar will take on the electric game like a jaguar chowing down on a deer! 🤪 Yeah, pun totally intended. But seriously, they need to be more aggressive about it. Hey, at least they're more serious than Fiat Chrysler and Mazda for instance. 😶 Some companies seem like they rather die a harsh death, than to be seen with an all-electric car. It is both sad and seriously pathetic.

And now for videos! 🎥 So far up to this point in September, I've recorded the usual Asphalt 9 episode, and some BlackBerry 10 gaming videos. 🤯 Yep, you read that part right: BlackBerry 10 gaming videos. 🤩👑🎮 It was about time, eh? Playing only trollish-as-hell Asphalt 9 for gaming videos, is bound to drive anyone crazy. 🤪😵 It was high time that the upload batch not included Asphalt 9, but others as well. I plan to record Casual Instrumental Noise Session Episode #25 soon, as well as outdoor videos.

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